Mother’s Day!
Happy Mother’s Day to all the wonderful and hard working mothers out there….I must say, I’m not really sure what today should have been like. It always starts off a little sad for me, I don’t have my mom around anymore, and it’s not like I’m not going to think about her. I was a little off today, I went to church with my daughter, and that was nice, then we came home and went to brunch with my husband. I got a small gift, which actually am very appreciative for, but I didn’t really need all that. What I really needed was just some time, time to be with my daughter and my husband and time to be alone. It sounds negative or selfish, but I just really wanted to just be left alone. I have no time, EVER, to to just think about my life, things that I need to do and maybe even relax, even for an hour. I’m completely exhausted, probably more than any other day, and I feel kind of let down. I don’t want to feel this way, but I do. It would have honestly been better to just stay home and do nothing. I would have felt a little more accomplished and maybe even rested! I hate being a downer, but I feel like work and come home and there’s no ff switch, where my husband at least has the couple of hours our daughter is in school. I don’t have that, I don’t hire a babysitter to go out, I just don’t. I’m going to try and find a way to salvage today, not sure what that is, but I guess I’m not going down like this!
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