Since I’ve been writing so much about my bed rest and I’m sure I’ll be writing A LOT more about it, I figured it would be good to explain (as best I can), what a cerclage is. First off, the reason someone would need a procedure like this, is due to an incompetent cervix….now I was diagnosed with an incompetent cervix due to my past miscarriages in my 2nd trimester. Basically my cervix couldn’t hold the weight of the pregnancy as it was progressing and you kind of go into labor. This time around my doctor knew exactly what to do, or at least we have a plan. One we knew the pregnancy was viable she set a date at wound 11 weeks for the cerclage. Now in most cases, I think this is done between 12-14 weeks, but she didn’t want to take any changes here. I went to the hospital to the labor and delivery room and got prepped. Once in the operating room I was given a spinal, and then the procedure started…which is stitching around the cervix to keep it closed. This procedure took about an hour and then I was take to recovery. There I needed to wait 3 hours for the spinal to wear off and drink, eat and of course go to the bathroom. Now can someone please explain to me how I can possibly go to the bathroom laying down on the bed flat! Well it took me almost 2 hours and then FINALLY! Once all that happened, I went home and straight to bed……must lay flight or in a slight incline, get up to only go to the bathroom (A COMMODE NEXT TO MY BED), shower every 3rd day and eat on my side. Take medication to prevent constipation, as that is something that might affect the cerclage, the pushing I mean. After the first and some of the second day there was no more bleeding, but I was always looking for any blood, discharge, fever, etc. That’s some insight into a cerclage! It is the only thing that will (fingers crossed and lots of praying) will work for me to have a successful pregnancy. I am for the 1st time in my life truly following doctors orders!
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