12 weeks!
What a day! Was able to get out of the house finally and go for me 12wk. nuchal ultrasound. First of all, it was the hi-light of my week just getting out of the house. Good news is that everything looks good, baby looks good, no change with the cervix, so we’re good. My doctor will not budge at all, so I must stay in bed…I asked if I could sit up a bit more or walk around a little, and I got a very firm NO! I have to go back in two weeks for a cervical length check and then at 16 weeks I will start my progesterone shots! I’m so happy, but also completely bored out of my mind, but this is 100% what I wanted ad I knew what I would have to do. I mean, I’m the person that NEEDED to fill every single free moment of my day with something to do! It’s a log road ahead, but for something so so good!
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