Actually working!
You guys know that I’m home one bed rest, and now I get to work from home for the next 3 weeks. Well at first I was like I can totally do this, then I realized that I have a lap top, I’m laying in bed and not really sitting up that much, and for some reason my boss thinks she needs to give me more to do than I could ever get done in the actual office. Needless to say the first few days, reminded f the person I used to be he one that gets completely stressed, starts crying and is just overwhelmed. So instead of being so stressed, which I totally shouldn’t be at this point, I talked to my boss and explained what can and can’t be done. Bottom line is after I had that conversation, I am getting so much stuff done and there are other things that are impossible, but I have opened the door to be able to explain that. So now I’m in a good place, I’m working until about 8pm, but as my husband says, what else are you going to do? Of course when my daughter comes in she gets my full attention, and when I’m all alone and my husband is making dinner with my daughter, I get to do more work. Well I guess for 3 weeks it’ll have to do!
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