Is this kid EVER going to sleep?!?
By no means am I an expert in babies/kids sleeping…if anything, I’m one of those people that has tried a million ways to do the “right” thing, but haven’t really found the “right” way yet! I remember from when my daughter was a baby, and I was hearing all these moms and “experts” talk about how my baby should be sleeping through the night, how she should never, ever be allowed in our bed, and how we should just let her cry it out! I know a lot of people that have tried it, and it has been successful for them…not me! We tried crying it our, for about 5 seconds, and we tried staying by the crib while our baby fell asleep and a soon as we snuck out, there she is, back up again, wanting some love and attention. Fast forward 4 years, and guess what, our child is right there between mom and dad, which means, we get to sleep all night, spend extra snuggle time with her and we’re all happy, rested adults and kid! This obviously would make some people cringe, as I know there’s some sort of myth that when a child sleeps with their parents, they become dependent, shy, introverted….but I’m here to tell you that I have a very confident, so not shy little girl! So co-sleeping it is! It doesn’t work for everyone, but it works for us, and slowly my daughter is learning that she will go to her bed, when she’s a big girl! Do what works for you, and know that you can never be wrong, when you’re doing what feels right!
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