Get the food on the table!

It’s been hard trying to juggle a full time job and home….one of the biggest struggles has been food, believe it or not!  What I should say, healthy cooking and a heath lifestyle.  Sure I can come home, rush to change really quick, decide what we’re going to eat, throw it together and voila….what did I just make???  Something not really thought out and not so healthy!  For a while I didn’t mind, because my daughter loves to help me, so it’s been a part of our daily route, but now i can see that her eating habits and mine are NOT so great!  Since I’m so last minute and rushed, my daughter wants to snack while she’s helping me and waiting for the food to be ready,so guess what, when the food comes out, we’re not so hungry anymore…..So, I just thought about this today, and here’s my plan:
1.  Come up with some sort of menu Friday night for the week starting Monday (this will give me enough time to shop and change things around depending on sales, etc)
2.  Start cooking on Sunday for Monday and be ahead one day.  Maybe not the whole meal (I’m not a big leftover fan), but maybe the sides, etc.
3.  Based on the menu for dinners, come up with healthy snacks to have around for my daughter (this will eliminate some of the go to junk food and fillers)
That’s the plan!  I will keep you posted on how this works out for the family!


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