What’s more important?

Today was draining day for me…my husband has been sick the past 2 days…had a fever of 102 and is taking care of our daughter when I’m at work.  That’s all fine, but being that he had a kidney transplant 7 years ago, we have to be extra cautious….so the fever won’t go down and the doctor said if things get worse and the antibiotics don’t kick in, we can go to the ER or go to the doctor in the morning, again.  This blog post isn’t about my husband or how he’s felling, but about how I dealt with this at work all day…my daughter didn’t have school today so she was home all day with my husband, he was in bed, God knows what she was doing.  Every time I would call, my daughter would pick up the phone, my husband couldn’t even talk.  SO it starts, the I need to leave, but what will “they” think?  Will they think that my husband should be able to take care of himself, that I should have someone come watch my daughter, by just snapping my fingers?  Lingering and worrying all day..finally I left at 5, which is not that early…but again I felt the same judgement….why should I feel this way? Some people are pretty clear int their thought process, if someone is sick in my home, I will just leave…it’s just the way it is, but for me it’s so much harder.  I will need to practice in the mind that health is more important, and if we don’t have that, our home, our family will fall apart.  When you look at things as they really are and weigh their meaning, it sure does help a lot!

Categories: Uncategorized

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