Loving your job!

OK, so a few things…I can’t say I don’t love my job, but I can say that certain things that happen at my job, make me hate it sometimes.  That may be normal for most, but why should it be.  Does it have to be every day?  Do people need to affect you every day?  Do you need to bring this feeling home every day?  Take away from your family, EVERY day?  Nope!  I’m not saying I found a solution, but I did try testing a few tings the past couple of weeks.  I make sure to be grateful for the job I have, I say it to myself every day when I wake up.  I tried this a few months ago and I was so far into negative land, that I couldn’t even bring myself to pretend this was true!  The other thing I do, is not take everyone so seriously.  I started trusting that the job I’m doing is pretty awesome.  I’m great at my job, even though I work in a place that the mantra is to be self critical.  I’m not saying I don’t have not so great days, but I have started feeling and thinking what I’ve known all along.  I’m pretty good at my job!  This has changed a lot for me, first of all I appreciate coming home and disconnection, my weekend have become awesome, even if they are jam packed or not.  I actually started appreciating my life…something clicked..I don’t know what, and I know it’s different for everyone.  I hope you find your “click”!

Categories: Uncategorized

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