Crazy Schedule!

I’ve been trying to manage my daughter’s schedule and also trying to make the right decision as a parent as to what activities she should be involved in.  She’s in Pre-K, so she has schools 3 days a week.  I have her in Greek school 2 days a week, ballet and art class.  She loves all of it.  I just decided, with summer right around the corner, to put her in swim class.  I’m so overwhelmed, as of course she loves that too, but she’s been asking to go back to gymnastics, which we haven’t done in over a year.  It’s kind of interesting because I’ve noticed a lot of parents are putting their kids into more of extra classes for reading and math.  I feel like my 4 year old needs fun, play, activities that will make her think for herself and be social, etc.  Am I doing something wrong?  Should I be worried about reading and math instead of other extra curricular activities?  She does work in school and we read every day.  I also feel that she has 2 days that are completely free, I just want her to get bored too.   Kids need to be kids once in a while!

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